Friday, December 15, 2006 my god! it's full of stars! 老天,星星滿天! I leave Hawaii tomorrow. 我明天就要離開夏威夷了。 Been here on a vacation with my family and have loved it. Woke up to the sound of the ocean most days and a macaw named 'coco' most others. 我和家人在夏威夷度假,我們很愛這邊。起床的時候有海浪的聲音伴著,還有一隻名叫Coco的鸚鵡陪伴我們。 On our final night we all sat outside on the porch and watched how the stars formed in the sky. As my Aunt pointed out.. the stars weren't just above us... they were all around in a dome. You forget how much the buildings and the lights of the city can fool you into believing otherwise. But we are really surrounded by stars. 在夏威夷的最後一晚,我們在陽台看星星,阿姨說:「群星並不是高高掛在天空,而是環繞在整個蒼穹。」來到這裡,你會忘記那些使你困惑的城市高樓和炫目燈光,因為,群星圍繞著你。 It was amazing to spend time with my Mum and ask her all these questions I'd always wanted to ask but only ever thought of when she was away. Just history lessons really. The why, how, what of growing up - questions only she has the answers to. She's such a fucking amazing...